Hi all,
I used to run Apache 1.3 with PHP as a static module on SuSE 9.
Today I recompiled and installed Apache so it also uses WebDAV as a static module, next to PHP.
Everything seemed to go fine.
The last instruction on the webdav
installpage says:
This information is here for reference; if Apache does not recognize the mod_dav directives such as DAV or DAVLockDB, then you may be missing this configuration line:
Addmodule mod_dav.c
Unfortunately it doesn't tell where to add this line. It seems most distro's want it in httpd.conf which seems logical to me. Unfortunately, when I add it there Apache returns the error:
Syntax error on line 207 of /usr/sbin/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot add module via name 'mod_dav.c': not in list of loaded modules
I also noticed that there are no Addmodule lines at all. Since PHP works fine, it seems there should be another configfile where I should add this line.
Can anyone tell which file this is for SuSE?