Hi All
I am trying to host some large jpg files on my windows filebox. I am currently using Apache 2.0.52-9 in RH Enterprise 6 as my webserver.
What I have been trying to do today was to create a Samba share from the RedHat box to the Windows box.
In terminal I typed in
smbmount // /mnt/windozebox/jpgfiles -o username=administrator,password=blahblah,uid=apache,gid=apache
And can mount just fine. All the files in my Samba mount are owned by apache, both user and group.
Now, in my httpd.conf file in Apache, I have the httpD running user and group running as apache.
In my httpd.conf file, I have a line
Alias /Pictures /mnt/windozebox/jpgfiles
But when I bring up
http://localhost/Pictures it gives me an error that says Permission denied.
Anyone have an idea on what I am doing wrong here?