Apache 2.xx - Arrrgh!
Been having a few not uncommon problems with that myself of late - would suggest removing 2.x and replacing it with 1.3.x - however that may be beyond you at the moment.
So with that in mind here are a couple of things for you to try:
1) Make sure the httpd service is running.
a: /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart
2) Running but still can't see it from the localhost or by IPADDR?
a: Check the firewall settings to see if you are blocking port 80 a quick way to test this is by dropping your firewall by /etc/rc.d/init.d/iptables stop
3) The service is started and it's not my firewall!
a: How about posting your /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file for us to pick through to spot any major errors.
I sincerely hope that helped you out. Usually it works a charm on a clean install of RH9 not heard of your problem before.. Just to check when requesting the page you are
http://localhost/ <-- from the linux box and
http://<linux box ip address> <-- from your windows box...