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cynwulf 06-19-2012 08:20 AM

If you're happy to escape windows, then why install a distro which attempts to recreate it? Why work so hard to achieve windows-like functionality and at the same time celebrate moving away from it? If you're a DOS era user, then entering commands should come naturally... I don't see what all the fuss is about.

There are many different "user friendly" DEs and window manager available for GNU/Linux - install and test drive them all and see which suits you best? One of windows' "trademarks" was the messy cluttered desktop - the menu you describe is just a workaround for this mess - avoid the mess in the first place and don't clutter the desktop with crap. Menus and panels are there for a reason - to be used to organise program launchers.

@nick2day/Inkit: Ignore the troll.

henriQ 06-19-2012 12:14 PM

Oh, 'caravel' sail away my 'friend'...far, far away, please!
... Still, i'll grant you some explanations (this is a 1st and a last-- «Parce que chez ces gens-lá, on cause pas...On cause pas!» - J. Brell dixit): I "work so hard to attempt to recreate it" because my 'friend' i assume i dealt with WeenDose since a time when you were suckling your thumb. That's why. And that's one of the reasons. Another and as solid is the FACT that there are several NEW distros announcing they're built to ease newbees migration from WeenDose into Linux and they brag about it loudly, with all whistles and bells they can use. Have you ever stop and imagine WHY they do that???? Are they so stupid that insist making a lot of fuss about nothing???

2. By the way, once there's a new serious virus affecting all Ubuntu forked distros which goes by the name of Updates and/or Upgrades insisting repeatdly to access the systems OS and procceed to corrupt the inner core of the sys beginning with 'zramswap-enabler', passing to «unable to install ubuntu desktop!» and blocking any new applications instalation and ultimately on their own freezing the sys -- whatever
activitties are undertaken at random occasions, once this plague already obliged me to re-install thrice i went and tryed WATTOS a mini distro
you really interested and bona fide members might be interested to essay.
It's simple, an almost naked Ubuntu debian forked distro. Itś fast as i never experience anyother -- and believe me: i've tryed a lot, since DSL to Puppy and Slith, a.s.o. It let's you recover from all the lot of broken components.. I had to implemment it and survived to inastall the OPERA Browser -- which is a "NO, NO you don't!" browser but, overall, downgrading as it was for me up to now is pumping fast (all "non-caravel" members know that Linux OS are generaly SOOOOOOOOO SLOOOOOWWW that sometimes they lay down to sleep) and well. Try it!...(WATTOSS R% iś a LIVE version). Enough for today.
Regards all (even to CARAVEL),

smallhagrid 06-19-2012 12:39 PM

Hello Folks.
I answered the questions posed by those posting later=> before they asked those questions, mostly.

A simplified/blanket reply for those disinclined towards reading longer postings:

1. MILLIONS of ween-doze users NEED an OS to replace it.
2. Linux is the logical alternative.
3. People dislike change, and most dislike having to learn new things, and resist both strongly.
4. For those folks to accept Linux it NEEDS to be very much like what they already know.

Hence look-alike & work-alike distros; AND a need for such distros to be polished a bit.

Complications are NOT desirable; command-line centeredness is 100% TABOO; ease & familiarity are ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL to any possible success in this.

My attempt in this is to prove to myeslf, for the benefits of others (as explained earlier) that it CAN be done; to do it; and to be able to show it as having been do-able.

GUI-centeredness is here to STAY (look at the countless tablets now in usage).
Fiddling & diddling endlessly as a hobby is for the very few.
What I describe as my goal is needed by THE MANY - the non-technical - who need things to be visual no-brainers.

There. Does that help at all ?

Here is a wonderful talk by Linus Torvalds in case anyone has not already viewed it=>

Tinkster 06-19-2012 04:19 PM


Can you please a) stop trolling and b) making smallhagrid's thread about you?


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