Alternative Channels for up2date?
I've had a challenge updating the code on an older RH 7.2 system which I am administrator of. Its running MRTG in a production environment so installing a completely new distribution isn't an option right at this moment. Besides, the hardware is old, P2450 and 256MB of ram, yes it crawls with X loaded.
Well, I have an RHN account with one of those free demo accounts which allow one system to use up2date. I have been running up2date, and it always replies that I am up to date. However, actually going to and looking at the system, it lists numerous errata, including apache patches. So, I should do someonthing about this. RHN just wants me to pay I guess.....
I could swear that about a year ago I modified some configuration file to use alternative channels. I can not remember what I did or how I learned about it. Googling for "alternative channel" and up2date hasn't been successful for me. Maybe I'm not opening up my eyes.
Isn't there a number of free (university maintained and such) alternative channels for up2date stuff? (I think they were called channels, what are they)
Guidance is much appreciated.