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Old 10-25-2010, 03:57 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2010
Posts: 2

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Allow ftp user access to modify apache owned files

So here's my issue:

I call PHP code:
PHP Code:
mkdir("new_dir"0777); (sets to 775.not sure why
This creates my folder, however when I log in using my ftp user to add documents to my new directory(apache owned) I get:

Permission denied.
Error code: 3
Error message from server: Permission denied
Request code: 3

I've been able to chown using root to "ftp_user" but that doesn't help the next time my PHP code adds another folder (apache owned).

I've tried changing the ownership through PHP code with...
PHP Code:
exec("chown -R ftp_user new_dir"
PHP Code:
still no luck.

I've tried logging in as root and usermod to add ftp_user to apache group.. no luck.

What am I doing wrong? I just want my ftp_user to be able to add stuff to my php/apache generated folders.

Last edited by; 10-26-2010 at 10:54 AM. Reason: Typo
Old 10-26-2010, 08:46 AM   #2
Registered: Aug 2008
Location: Netherlands
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When you create the directory, you set the name to my_new_dir. In both your attempts to change the owner, you use the name new_dir. Could that be the problem?
Old 10-26-2010, 09:00 AM   #3
Registered: Jun 2008
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Originally Posted by View Post
So here's my issue:

I call PHP code:
PHP Code:
mkdir("my_new_dir"0777); (sets to 775.not sure why
This creates my folder, however when I log in using my ftp user to add documents to my new directory(apache owned) I get:

Permission denied.
Error code: 3
Error message from server: Permission denied
Request code: 3

I've been able to chown using root to "ftp_user" but that doesn't help the next time my PHP code adds another folder (apache owned).

I've tried changing the ownership through PHP code with...
PHP Code:
exec("chown -R ftp_user new_dir"
PHP Code:
still no luck.

I've tried logging in as root and usermod to add ftp_user to apache group.. no luck.

What am I doing wrong? I just want my ftp_user to be able to add stuff to my php/apache generated folders.

I think the chown command not properly issued.

Try to use it like that:

chown -R ftp_user:new_dir

chown ftp_user:new_dir
Without ":" it does not work, that is why it didn't change the ownership.
Old 10-26-2010, 10:58 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2010
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Still need help

I know how to change the ownership to the ftp_user using root. The question is, how do I allow ftp_user access to modify the apache owned folders? This would be a permanent fix instead of having to chown every time a new folder is created under apache.
Old 10-26-2010, 05:25 PM   #5
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Can you post result of "ls -l" for files and directories created by apache, and these created by ftp?


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