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Old 03-04-2011, 10:45 AM   #1
Registered: Jul 2005
Posts: 51

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Alias to run a program in the background

I have a n00b question.

I'm running Utorrent server and I figure I would create an alias to launch the program and run it in the background.

alias utorrent='/home/user1/software/utorrent-server-3.0/utserver &'

It seems to run the program but the associated webui program is flaky and won't start correctly.

If I manually go to the specified path and run the command ./utserver & , I never seem to have an issue with the webui.
I was wondering if this could possibly have anything to do with using the '&' ampersand operator in an alias.
Old 03-04-2011, 11:04 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by diamond_D View Post
I have a n00b question.

I'm running Utorrent server and I figure I would create an alias to launch the program and run it in the background.

alias utorrent='/home/user1/software/utorrent-server-3.0/utserver &'

It seems to run the program but the associated webui program is flaky and won't start correctly.

If I manually go to the specified path and run the command ./utserver & , I never seem to have an issue with the webui.
I was wondering if this could possibly have anything to do with using the '&' ampersand operator in an alias.
To make an alias that might work:

alias utorrent="cd /home/user1/software/utorrent-server-3.0/; ./utserver &"
or a function in .bashrc:

function utserver () { 
cd /home/user1/software/utorrent-server-3.0/;
./utserver & }
Old 03-05-2011, 11:47 AM   #3
Registered: Jul 2005
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alias utorrent="cd /home/user1/software/utorrent-server-3.0/; ./utserver &"
Your alias above works but I'm trying to understand the logic. My original alias had the full path to the program so shouldn't I be able to execute 'utserver' without using the . dot operator. Then I figured I would export the full path to my .bashrc and login again to see if that made any difference but it didn't.

The only way I can get the webui to work properly is if I launch the program using the ./ dot operator from the local directory. If anybody can help explain why, I would much appreciate.
Old 05-04-2012, 06:04 PM   #4
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I was looking for something similar, e.g. start eclipse from a specific path.
I found a nice tutorial regarding nohup at .
I think that's the correct way to do it.


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