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lyoumans 11-12-2009 09:32 PM

Adobe Reader install what did I do wrong
My bank statements are sent to me in .pdf format and are password protected. I tried the document viewer for viewing pdf files, but I couldn't open it because of the password protection. So I went to and tried to install the linux version of Adobe Reader 9. I installed it but it created a folder (myname) on the Desktop and installed it there. Now if I open the Documents folder and select a pdf file it will open, but using FoxFire on the net if I try to open a pdf file I get: "Could not launch Adobe Reader 9.2. Please make sure it exists in PATH variable in the environment. If the problem persists, please reinstall the application." Question: How do I get Adobe Reader in the PATH variable or if I reinstall it how do I get it in a folder that is in the PATH variable?

evo2 11-12-2009 10:10 PM

Easiest solution for you is to go back to the adobe site an download the .deb of acroread. Then install it with a command like


sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/Downloads/AdbeRdr9.2-1_i386linux_enu.deb
(exact filename and location (I'm assuming you are using a gnome desktop) may vary.

This should intall it in you PATH, and it will be available for other users on the machine too.


craigevil 11-13-2009 03:26 AM

AcrobatHowTo - Community Ubuntu Documentation - Install it from an Ubuntu repo rather than downloading it from the web. Always try to use your distros package management system if you can, with Ubuntu there are few things you will ever need to look for a package on the web.

stevesong 11-26-2009 08:28 AM

I had the same problem. Solved it by installing mozplugger.


apt-get install mozplugger

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