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socalheel 10-24-2012 06:02 PM

Adding banner to GDM Greeter theme (RHEL login screen)
I am working on hardening a server to meet DoD requirements. I'm having a problem with adding a warning banner to the logon screen. I am using RHEL 5.5. The error I continually get is XML Parse error.

The /usr/share/gdm/themes/RHEL/RHEL.xml file is listed below.


<?xml version="1.O"?>
<!DOCTYPE greeter SYSTEM "greeter.dtd">

<item type="pixmap">
  <pos anchor="nw" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"/>
  <normal file="background.png" color="#cc0000"/>

<item type="rect">
  <box xpadding="15">
  <item type="label">
    <pos anchor="nw" x="10%" y="10%" width="box"/>
    <normal font="Serif 20" color="#ffffff"/>
<text>DoDIIS Linux Build Version 2.2.0</text>
<item type="label">
<normal font="Serif 12" color="#ffffff"/>
<item type="label">
<normal font="Serif 12" color="#ffffff"/>
<item type="rect">
<pos anchor="w" x="70%" y="8S%" width="25%" height="100%"/>
<box xpadding="15">
<item type="label">
<normal font="San 12" color="#ffff00"/>
This Automated Information System (AIS) is subject to Monitoring at all times.<br/>
Use of this AIS constitutes consent to monitoring.
<!-- login w/selection -->
<item type="rect">
<pos anchor="sw" x="20%" y="80%" width="box" height="10%"/>
<box orientation="vertical" xpadding="30" spacing="5">
<item type="label" id="timed-label">
<show type="timed"/>
<pos anchor="c" x="50%" y="50%" width="100%" height="100%"/>
<normal color="#ffffff" font="Sans Bold 12"/>
<stock type="timed-label"/>
<item type="rect">
<pos anchor="c" x="50%" y="20%" width="100%" height="box"/>
<box orientation="vertical" xpadding="15">
<item type="label" id="pam-prompt">
<pos anchor="nw" x="0" y="0"/>
<normal font="Sans 16" color="#ffffff"/>
<stock type="username-label"/>
<item type="entry" id="user-pw-entry">
<pos anchor="nw" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="26"/>
<normal font="Sans 13" color="#000000"/>
<item type="rect">
<pos x="5%" y="0" width="box" height="box"/>
<box orientation="vertical" spacing="15" ypadding="5">
<item type="label" id="caps-lock-warning">
<pos anchor="c" x="50%" y="50%" width="388" height="100%"/>
<normal color="#ffffff" font="Sans Bold 14"/>
<stock type="caps-lock-warning"/>
<item type="rect">
<pos anchor="c" x="50%" y="50%" width="388" height="box"/>
<item type="label" id="pam-error">
<normal color="#ffffff' font="Sans 13"/>
<pos anchor="c" x="50%" y="50%" width="100%" height="100%"/>
<item type="rect">
<pos anchor="sw" x="0" y="100%" width="box" height="box"/>
<box orientation="horizontal" ypadding="10">
<item type="rect">
<pos anchor="nw" x="0" y="0" width="box" height="box"/>
<box orientation="horizontal">
<item type="rect" id="language_button" button="true">
<pos y="50%" anchor="w" width="box" height="box"/>
<box orientation="horizontal" xpadding="6">
<item type="pixmap">
<normal file="icon-language.png"/>
<item type="label">
<active color="#b49d9c" font="Sans Bold 12"/>
<prelight color="#ccabbb" font="Sans Bold 12"/>
<normal color="#ffffff" font="Sans Bold 12"/>
<pos y="50%" anchor="w"/>
<stock type="language"/>
<item type="rect" id="session_button" button="true">
<pos y="50%" anchor="w" width="box" height="box"/>
<box orientation="horizontal" xpadding="6">
<item type="pixmap">
<normal file="icon-session.png"/>
<item type="label">
<active color="#b49d9c" font="Sans Bold 12"/>
<prelight color="#ccabbb" font="Sans Bold 12"/>
<normal color="#ffffff" font="Sans Bold 12"/>
<pos y="50%" anchor="w"/>
<stock type="session"/>
<item type="rect" id="reboot_button" button="true">
<show modes="console" type="reboot"/>
<pos y="50%" anchor="w" width="box" height="box"/>
<box orientation="horizontal" xpadding="6">
<item type="pixmap">
<normal file="icon-reboot.png"/>
<item type="label">
<active color="#b49d9c" font="Sans Bold 12"/>
<prelight color="#ccabbb" font="Sans Bold 12"/>
<normal color="#ffffff" font="Sans Bold 12"/>
<pos y="50%" anchor="w"/>
<stock type="reboot"/>
<item type="rect" id="halt_button" button="true">
<show modes="console" type="halt"/>
<pos y="50%" anchor="w" width="box" height="box"l>
<box orientation="horizontal" xpadding="6">
<item type="pixmap">
<normal file="icon-shutdown.png"/>
<item type="label">
<active color="#b49d9c" font="Sans Bold 12"/>
<prelight color="#ccabbb" font="Sans Bold 12"/>
<normal color="#ffffff" font="Sans Bold 12"/>
<pos y="50%" anchor="w"/>
<stock type="halt"/>
<item type="rect" id="disconnect_button" button="true">
<show modes="flexi,remote"/>
<pos y="50%" anchor="w" width="box" height="box"/>
<box orientation="horizontal" xpadding="6">
<item type="pixmap">
<normal file="icon-shutdown.png"/>
<item type="label">
<show modes="remote"/>
<active color="#b49d9c" font="Sans Bold 12"/>
<prelight color="#ccabbb" font="Sans Bold 12"/>
<normal color="#ffffff" font="Sans Bold 12"/>
<pos y="50 anchor="w"/>
<stock type="disconnect"/>
<item type="label">
<show modes="flexi"/>
<active color="#b49d9c" font="Sans Bold 12"/>
<prelight color="#ccabbb" font="Sans Bold 12"/>
<normal color="#ffffff" font="Sans Bold 12"/>
<pos y="50%" anchor="w"/>
<stock type="quit"/>

smallpond 10-26-2012 01:20 PM

Have you run xmllint?

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