You are having lot of questions in mind and thats quite natural when u face something new ..
I won't be entering in any debate, which is faster Win or Lin ..
Linux takes u more close to the feel of that machine, u r using while Windows takes u away from that .. This is all I can say ..
About sharing ur windows drives, first u have to check which file system u r using in windows .. If u r using NTFS then u have to download a patch for NTFS support in Linux .. Still, I guess, it wud support only READ when u will access that windows drive in Linux ..
If u r having FAT 32, then I don't think it should be a problem .. Just follow these steps
0. Login as root
1. Go to /mnt
2. Create a directory, say myWindowsC -
# mkdir myWindowsC
3. Then mount ur windows drive C as
# mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/myWindowsC
4. But if u r trying to access some drive other than C, say D, then its identification wud not be hda2, it wud be hda5 because Linux keep hda1 to hda4 for primary partitions. Since D wud be a logical partition in Windows, so Linux wud take it as hda5, E as hda6 and so on ..
4. To mount drive D
First create a directory, say myWindowsD
# mkdir myWindowsD
# mount /dev/hda5 /mnt/myWindowsD
For ur second HD, its identification may be hdb or hdc depending on whether u atached it as a primary disk or a secondary disk .. U can check that out in a Hardware Browser, u will find it somewhere in Fedora Start Menu ..
See if it helps .. Good Luck .. Feel Free with GNU/Linux ..
ayrus ...............