A plea for someone to help with my vid card and making my GUI work

I've installed and tried to get into Gnome but it locks up everytime after a few seconds..sooo...I reinstalled and had it boot into text mode..finally got that going..now..thanks to some replys ive used redhat-config-xfree86 to try and change settings so that it might work, but alas, it locks up again after just a few seconds(before i can even click on the advanced button). I guess I'm wondering if there is a way to manually change the card. Redhat 8.0 detected my card as Radeon (generic), but that didnt work the first time so put it in as Radeon All in Wonder AGP (its an older version of the AIW RAd VE 64mg), thinking this was closest to my card. Am I off base here? Is it more to do with the monitor at all? It ran fine in tests etc...Please let me know if something can be done, or if I'm out of luck with my graphics card

PS..I actually got as far as the advanced button screen where you can configure your card..as soon as I clicked on it the screen went black and then a blue square appeared with the words 'OUT OF SCAN RANGE'......wtf?