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Linux - Newbie This Linux forum is for members that are new to Linux.
Just starting out and have a question? If it is not in the man pages or the how-to's this is the place!


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Old 08-30-2003, 06:24 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2003
Posts: 4

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A Newb Question pt. 2

My next question is more of a duel question. I have two modems and two soundcards...Modems: Lucent 56k WinModem and a Conexant SoftK56 Modem (Both PCI) Sound Cards: SoundBlaster 16 (ISA) and an Aureal Vortex1 PCI Sound Card. None of which (Modems and Soundcards) have drivers. Does anyone know where I can find proper drivers or if any of these are even compatible with Mandrake 8.1? None of the modems/soundcards will configure either (and the SoundBlaster wasn't even recognized.) Could anyone offer any advice that I might be able to understand?
Thanks again in advance
Old 08-30-2003, 06:26 PM   #2
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You could always try for a starting point to modem drivers and other relevant information.
Old 08-30-2003, 06:33 PM   #3
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soundblaster 16
vortex vortex

i think my links are accurate and if someone has something better i am sure they'll post..
Old 08-30-2003, 06:37 PM   #4
Registered: Aug 2003
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Your best bet, in all honesty, is to purchase an external modem if you have trouble setting up your winmodem. Winmodems are pretty hard for newbies (like me) to get working; many people I have spoken to - myself included - found the documentation hard to follow in getting a winmodem to work. The instructions on *what* to do are very clearly written, but sometimes problems arise that are not addressed in that documentation.

External modems are much easier to configure. When you see a version number sporting an EVEN number after the decimal point, like x.0 or x.2, this means that version is considered very stable. Not so with an odd number after the decimal point, like x.1 or x.3. I found Mandrake 9.0 worked much better on my pc than 8.1 did; 8.0 was also a great introduction to Linux for me (back when I still used dial-up for the internet connection).


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