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Old 10-05-2005, 12:23 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Distribution: Slackware 10 & Vector 3.2
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a lamp server like an appliance

I'm trying to create a LAMP server. Not just any lamp server, but one that runs like an appliance (Cobalt Raq systems come to mind).

the beauty of these appliances is that they are fairly easy to administrate after the initial setup, and i know there must be a way to emulate this behavior fairly painlessly using a standard linux distrobution.

I've used a bit of slackware using instructions from shilo's site, combined with a lot of other things that i've read here. It went well, and it was fun and all, but slackware doesn't have a hosting style control panel that i was looking for, and all the free ones required major system overhauls to get them to work right. For the record, it never worked right.

I have just recreated this server with trustix and cp+, but i don't really know enough to get it working properly.

Anyone know of a distro that will install a lamp server painlessly, and have the ease of a web-based administration tool?

Thanks very much.
Old 10-05-2005, 01:08 AM   #2
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Have a look at webmin

Old 10-05-2005, 05:09 AM   #3
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Maybe try ClarkConnect? I've never used it but I'm pretty sure it's like a plug 'n' play webserver. I could be wrong but I think ClarkConnect is the one I'm thinking of...
Old 10-05-2005, 10:58 PM   #4
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You guys rock!

Thanks for the information.

I looked at Clarkconnect and it seems to be a pay for a license sort of software, and that goes against my ideas on creating linux servers for those who really can't do that, either because they don't realize that having a dedicated server that their organization "owns" is a really good idea,,,, or they just can't justify the cost and time.

I do have some very "open" views on linux. I see it as the software of the people, and if some people can make money, more power to them. The poeple at Clarkconnect may be making money off the company that i work for soon, as i'll probably set up a server using them soon, as i need one quick, but i know there's free stuff out there.

I like what i've seen of webmin, but i haven't had time to look very deeply into putting it on a Slackware box yet. maybe this weekend. For now, i'm still going to pound away at Trustix the next couple days, and if no progress is made, i'm racing back to slack just because there's more people with more answers there.

Thanks so very much for your help.

Be Happy!
Old 10-05-2005, 11:54 PM   #5
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Webmin integrates with slack reasonably well, I only
found few modules that wouldn't play nicely because
they assumed (hard-coded) DeadRat scenarios.

Old 10-06-2005, 11:33 PM   #6
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So, There is no definative "works well with Slack" web administration panel, That's too bad.
Old 10-07-2005, 12:13 AM   #7
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Yeah, I think that web-administration panels are bad, too.
vi rocks. ;}

Old 10-09-2005, 11:28 PM   #8
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Someday, i'll learn vi,,, till then, i'm stumbling around with pico.

Just so everyone knows, i switched to a debian 3.1 install with ispconfig installed. There's a complete setup walkthough at Now i have the server up, with the appliance-like control panel.
I know it's not a "true" server, and i did just follow a bunch of directions (slot a, tab b sort of instructions) that did not really explain why i was doing this stuff, but that's one way to learn i guess.

It will work while i learn a LOT more linux, and really get my sites (or is it sights,, oh well, bad pun) set for working with Slackware. I may do a server based on the instructions at to get the same sort of thing going,,, then look up what the instructions that i type actually do.

Thanks for the answers,,,,, be happy!


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