Originally posted by jeppe
1) Package ex. "kernel-source 2.4.18-14 i386(or scr).rpm"
What does it (a.b.c-d e.rpm) mean ?
What will I choose for my RH8 ? How check ?
2) Does the command "./configure" use with configure file only ?
And the command "make" use with Makefile only ?
./configure runs the file "configure" in the current directory, which is usually a shell script to create a Makefile based on your system configuration. make or gmake use a file called Makefile in the current directory to do batch operations such as compiling many files into libraries or executables, or installing a program to a useful place.
3) I #tar "a driver package" and It have "Makefile", "file.c" and "file.h".
I can not #./configure (Does it have not configure file ?). But I skip
this command (./configure). I use "#make" and it error.
Does it maybe as version older than now ?
Without the exact error it's impossible to help you. The absence of a configure file means you'll have to open up the Makefile in a text editor and see if you can tweak something to make it work.