Ok, I'm new to Linux, and I've been very successful so far installing SuSE 9.0, thanks to all the information available at this forum. However, I've hit a wall...
I would like to have a Dual head monitor system with 3D support...wouldn't be nice to have everything you wanted. But from what I can tell that isn't possible currently? (true??) YaST says so, and I tried forcing 3D support in XF86Config, no avail.
So if the above is a limitation, I would like to know if I can implement an alteration to GRUB to allow me to boot as Linux 2D (with 2 monitors) and alternate boot as Linux 3D (with just 1 monitor)?
I have already created 2 versions of XF86Config that do just that. And currently I call a script to switch from one to the other, then reboot to have the changes take effect.
Is there a more elegant solution? Perhaps it is possible to cause X Windows to reconfigure with the new XF86Config file without rebooting...I thought that was to be one of the beautiful features of Linux, you don't have to reboot to reconfigure.