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Linux - Networking This forum is for any issue related to networks or networking.
Routing, network cards, OSI, etc. Anything is fair game.


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Old 10-23-2001, 11:09 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2001
Location: Norfolk UK
Distribution: Mandrake 8.0
Posts: 1

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Red face Yet another networking query:-)

Hello all you incredibly helpful people..!!
Having seen other help sites, i think i have found one where you know what you're talking about.
OK - Linux to Win 98 through ethernet.
Win 98 has external modem(but i can change it over)
Modem does work on Linux box( i have tried it)
What is the best program on the Linux box to use to network to the other pc?
Linuxconfig or Samba (Swat?)- i have both and tried using them but the information on where to put the relevant info is a bit sketchy.
Also if i try to apply any changes to Linux config it asks me to start a couple of programs. I select the 'do it' tab and all seems ok. But then i go back and it seems i have to start them again and again..
I can ping each pc either way but they cannot see each other, so i'm getting pretty close. if i can crack it i'll swear i'll create the easiest HOWTO ever...
Please - all i need is where to put the ip addresses, what to type in the domain/DNS areas, is it just myname or myname with a dot then the domain? Is the domain where i put the name of the workgroup i'm using as i don't actually have a domain - just a peer to peer network? See - it's all easy stuff - yeah right!
You have no idea how frustrating it is..
By the way, what would i expect to see on the win 98 box if they can connect?
Questions, questions.
I really appreciate any help you can give or similar experiences with a possible answer..
Thanks folks
Old 10-23-2001, 02:24 PM   #2
Registered: Jul 2001
Location: Braunschweig, Germany
Distribution: Suse 7.2
Posts: 184

Rep: Reputation: 30
What do you mean by "network to the other PC"??

Do you want to share files?
-> You need to set up samba. I never messed with swat. Go have a look at your /etc[/samba]/smb.conf! Most distros come with a pretty well commented one, so samba is pretty much straight forward to set up.

You will have to tell your system to start Samba at bootup. I'm sure there's some administration tool in Mandrake that takes care of this.

If you need a basic smb.conf, mail me. I can send you mine. Don't feel like typing it all down here.

Do you want to share Internet Access?

-> You need a basic set of iptables/ipchains (depends on which Kernel you are running) rules. Browse the security Forum for whole firewall scripts with ip-masquerading.
In SuSE there's even a pretty well commented firewall/ip-masq script coming with it. You just need to type in some device names and off you go. Probably there's something similar in Mandrake?


Your Computer will have a domain and a name to go with it. It will then "feel" like being named name.domain. So, as long as you don't use any names that might be used in the real internet, you can use any name for "Domain."
BTW: You will set the Workgroup of the Linux-Box in the smb.conf, since workgroup is a windows-thing.

You will only need DNS-Servers (i.e. their ip-addresses) if you want to share internet access. Your internet-provider will assign you two DNS-servers.

Hope this got you on the way, Steave.


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