I use Suse 6.3 and want to access Internet via Wvdial (I have another system based in SuSE and KDE and internet connection works with kppp ...).I try to connect using the ISP instrutions based on ppp-on / ppp-off / chat, but the procedure is buggy and don't work. I can connect to my ISP
via Wvdial and everything seems to go OK (validation, IP adress give by ISP, 1500 MTU, start of pppd etc)the problem is: aftera few minutes Netscape (it sucks and crash all the time), Amaya and even Lynx lost the hability to retrieve the internet pages. The connection is OK the pppd daemon DON'T DIED.
Any idea about what can be wrong???
Anyone know another alternative to connect not based in KDE or Gnome?
Is DIP a good solution ?
Thank you soo much
Artur Oliveira