Wrong Hostname in the DNS and DHCP Address Leases of Windows 2000
Hi Guys,
I am having a Linux Client which gets it IP address from the DHCP which is located on a windows 200 Server. I have a host name, only the IP needs to be recieved. My Linux Box is also a joined to the domain, through Samba. Recently I have changed the hostname of my machine, and tried accessing shares on other machine, which was working. However when other machines tried to access me, they were getting 'network resource unavailable'. Through searching for the problem I see in the DOMain Controller (Windows 2000 Server) where the DNS and DHCP server are running, have wrong pointers to my ip address. in DHCP server, Address Leases, I see that my computer is still named as the old computer name. and same in the DNS. I deleted the lease record from DHCP and the host records from DNS. Restarted the Linux Client, still the address leases showed the old hostname...
any pointers to why DHCP is getting old hostname...
My linux clients details
cat /proc/sys/kernel/hostname shows 'kharbooza'
however after I restart the network, on the DNS server the host with the IP address allocated to me is my Old Hostname which is 'rhel4star'.
I have removed all records from /etc/hosts... still the same thing...
Any help will be much appreciated...