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Old 08-15-2001, 08:32 AM   #1
Registered: Aug 2001
Location: Brandon, FL
Distribution: Slackware All The Way Baby!
Posts: 31

Rep: Reputation: 15
Wink Writing to Linux Drives From Windows

I run my own file server on my network, i have a 5, 9gig scsi raid 5, a 2, 30gig ide 0 raid, and one 60gig ide drive. I run slackware 8.0 and ive recompiled the kernel to support everything i need. My Problem is......I have samba set up to my windows boxes can access my file server, i can get files off of there fine.....but i cant write to the linux drives. All the config files (smb.conf) say that its set up for RW. So i dont know why i cant write to the drive. I use it to back up files and things ive downloaded. I have to do crazy stuff to do simple tasks, for example to get files on to my file server, i have to copy it to my user directory on my web server, the only dir i can write to in windows, then copy it over to my file server from my web server. its complicated, and its a pain to do it that way everytime. Can any one help? i download alot of stuff in windows, and both my servers are linux slackware 8, it would just be more convient if i could transfer the files strait from my win box to my linux box. Please Help...

Also, i have run the registry tweak to enable the plain text passwords on my win boxes, so they could talk to my linux boxes.....


Old 08-15-2001, 11:08 AM   #2
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for a qualified answer you should post the smb.conf. To help yourself increase the loglevel (directive: log level =2 .. or more) and read the logs (/var/log/log.smb and /var/log/log.nmb )

Old 08-16-2001, 08:43 AM   #3
Registered: Apr 2001
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Three things to check:

1. Check the 'create mask' in your smb.conf, each share has it's own.
2. Check the 'directory mask' in your smb.conf, each share has it's own.
3. Check the unix rights of the directory. If the rights are r-x then it doesn't matter what the samba rights are you won't be able to save anything to the directory but you can change into it.
Old 08-18-2001, 01:07 PM   #4
Registered: Aug 2001
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I really dont know how to change the file permissions, i know i can do a chmod 777 whateverfile to make it so it can be accessed my anyone. but i dont think it would be a good idea to do that for the entire drive. and i also have in my smb.conf file read-only = no, public = yes and writable = yes, i have the security = user, i dont care about secutity within my own local network. i want to be able to read and write to the drives freely, not just to one dir on the drive. windows asks me for a user and pass when i click on the machine in network neighborhood, but it wont except the root login, only my user there anyway to maybe set up my user to have root priveldges all the time? like another root account or something.....i know its not a good idea, but i need to be able to write to these drives ANYWHERE from windows.....i love linux as my servers....i just have to make it work the way i want it to or its useless.....

thanks again

Old 08-19-2001, 05:58 AM   #5
Registered: Apr 2001
Location: Brisbane, Australia
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If you want to bypass the linux file security go to here -> www.micro$ I am sure they have something available for you.

I am not 100% sure but I don't think you can login to samba as root (same as telnet).

Actually I just remembered the /etc/smbuser file, try logging in as admin with your root password.
Old 08-20-2001, 03:58 PM   #6
Registered: Jul 2001
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I solved this problem on my system by going into Shares/Advanced View section of Samba and adding the line "admin user = root" to the (admin users) field and the line "write user = root" to the (write list) field. This must be done for each share. You can get more info on this by clicking on the help link next to the "admin users" and "write list" from the advanced view of Shares.

Old 08-20-2001, 04:37 PM   #7
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Make all users root... that sounds like a familiar approach which is more of a problem than a solution.

Your best bet is to change the *NIX permissions on the directories in question. The /home/username dirs should be owned by username, usually in group users.

You can supplement the effect by using the directory masks in smb.conf explicitly for each share.
Old 08-20-2001, 05:06 PM   #8
Registered: Aug 2001
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I know that chomd 777 makes everything RW but how do i get it back to not everything is RW? i ran chmod 777 on my entire drive.....oops....hey i was desperate and trying stuff.....
Old 08-20-2001, 07:50 PM   #9
Registered: Jul 2001
Location: West Virginia
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You do not make all users root, root was only used as as example. The user root could be subsitituted with any user, it could be user john or user tom, but each user has to be added to the field that your want to give these permissions. Such as "admin user = tom" in the (admin user) field and "write user = tom" in the (write list) field.

I did not have write permissions until I did this. Now I can wirte to both systems from the network.

Old 08-20-2001, 08:37 PM   #10
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Originally posted by loganwva
You do not make all users root, root was only used as as example. The user root could be subsitituted with any user, it could be user john or user tom, but each user has to be added to the field that your want to give these permissions. Such as "admin user = tom" in the (admin user) field and "write user = tom" in the (write list) field.

I did not have write permissions until I did this. Now I can wirte to both systems from the network.

My bad. I got your post confused with the '777' one.

As for the '777' guy... you might check and see if you have something like the SuSE distros - a script to set permissions based upon the contents of /etc/permissions.easy|secure|paranoid. I do it through YaST or via the suse harden script.


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