WinXP and Fedora Core 1
I have set up my samba server and stuff and i can see my Linux Machine from the Windows One and i have LinNeighborhood and i can access it from smb:///SMERSHBASE but i whenever i try to mount it in LinNeighborood it finds it and stuff but it says it cant resolve address.
The two comps are connected by a Wireless Router - D-link 624
The linux is connected to the router by ethernet cable and the Windows is connected by a wireless card
I am running Fedora Core 1 on the linux ine with and Athlon XP 2400 512mb RAM- This comp is called Smersh
On the other one it is WinXP Pro with an Intel Pentium 4 2.8ghz winth 512mb ram - This comp is called Smershbase
Last edited by steve_d555; 05-05-2004 at 05:26 PM.