Note: in general you do not want just any computer on your network freely browsing your server! This is why you set up network shares. But first - some questions:
By "configure all the nessisary things" what do you mean, and how do you know you did?
(Basically, you probably did not configer all the nessisary things because your windows box on the network cannot brows the linux box and you want it to...)
Chances are that you just forgot to give the win box access to your lin box. But without details, nobody can tell for sure. Tell us about the network - will any user on the linux machine access the win box? Are the users of the winbox known to SAMBA? Did you create the shares for them etc?
Anyway - while you're thinking about this and how unhelpful I'm being... have a look at this:
Have you tried the following excersize -
1. add a user (you say) to the smbpassword file
(you'll be prompted for a password twice)
2. test this is really there...
smbclient //hostname/you -U you
(You should get a load of stuff about your home directory in the terminal - this test can be used on any of the shares you have set up.) Enter "help" at the smb prompt and you can see the commands available.
3. mount a samba file system normally (sort of)
mount -t smbfs -o username=you //hostname/you /mnt
(your home directory is now mounted at /mnt and should be available to all computers on your network - in general you'll do this for a dropbox directory rather than share your entire personal stuff! Also in general, you do not want other computers being able to freely brows just anywhere on the linux box!)