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Routing, network cards, OSI, etc. Anything is fair game.


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Old 02-27-2004, 12:04 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2004
Location: Dallas, Texas
Distribution: RedHat 9
Posts: 2

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Question Win -> Linux VPN via Linksys Router

Although I was a computer programmer for nearly fifteen years, I'm relatively new to Linux. I'm trying to set up a VPN on Linux for WinXP clients to log into after which they will access Samba shares on the VPN server. The VPN server is behind a Linksys router as are all the clients. I've gotten it to work using PopTop but I cannot get the data encryption to work. Apparently you need a patch for pppd but, despite much searching, I cannot figure out which patch I should apply to my system. In my searching, I have read that, even if I do get it going, there are security issues with pptp and that I should use FreeS/WAN instead. Fine with me, but it appears that FreeS/WAN will not operate behind the Linksys router due to NAT, or perhaps it will if I use something called Super FreeS/WAN. Then there are those who say the included IPSec client (included with what? Windows? FreeS/WAN?) is not the best and should be replaced with one from a third party (names, anyone?).

OK, given that the Linksys routers are here to stay and we have a budget of around $300, what's the solution? We are a mortgage company and will be passing sensitive information around so I'd like the best security available which appears to be FreeS/WAN. PPtP is probably adequate, but where is the patch I need? My distro is RedHat 9 and my kernel version is 2.4.20-8.

This isn't the first place I've asked this. I've tried Usenet and have even sent it via email to my local Linux user's group, all have been met with deafening silence. Is what I'm trying to do impossible or is it that absolutely nobody knows how to do this?

Old 02-27-2004, 12:45 PM   #2
Registered: Feb 2004
Location: Sacramento, CA
Distribution: Slack 9.1, slackware-current
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FreeS/wan has morphed into Openswan, see here.

It appears to be able to handle NAT traversal without any problem.

Sorry I can't help you more...
Old 02-28-2004, 09:55 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2004
Location: Dallas, Texas
Distribution: RedHat 9
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Thanks for the pointer. Doing this myself is going to require recompiling the kernel, something I'm not looking forward to doing. I guess there's only one way to escape the newbie label.

Pray for me.
Old 03-16-2004, 08:28 AM   #4
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: Nigeria
Distribution: CentOS 4.3
Posts: 37

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If you check out the link you can get a kernel module which you can use for your kernel without re-compiling.

I have a similar scenario and I've managed to make the tunnel work.

I have a problem however, with the setting up of routes and IP addresses for the clients that connect to the server.

I have MY server connected to the internet directly and I want clients to connect to it, then be able to access resources on my LAN behind the server.

What addresses should I give the clients? do I give them addresses from my LAN and give the server end of the tunnel an IP from the LAN as well? I really am not sure how to proceed here. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.


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