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Old 12-12-2001, 04:06 PM   #1
Registered: Nov 2001
Location: Manchester, UK
Distribution: Mageia
Posts: 814

Rep: Reputation: 40
Win 95: Can't log on to Samba server.

I'm hoping someone can help me with a problem that's driving me potty!

I have a network at home of various flavour of Wind*ws and a Mandrake 8.1
Linux box. After much trial and error, I have set the sytem up so I can log
on to the network from WIn NT, Win 2k, Win 98 - but, no matter what I try, I
cannot get a Win 95 machine to connect. I have installed the vrdrupd.exe file
on the Win 95 machine as that seemed to promise my success, but still no joy.

I can see the homes and share directory I set up, but I just keep getting
told I'm entering an incorrect password. I'm using exactly the same
techniques on my Linux box to set up accounts for all types of Wind*ws
machines - but the password is still, apparently, invalid when I enter it on
the 95 machine.

Is it something to do with encrypted passwords?

I have:

encrypt passwords = yes

in my smb.conf files.

Please remember, it's *only* Win 95 machines I can't connect (I have tried

I've done the registry hack on the Win 95 machine too, so that

EnablePlainTextPassword value in the VNETSUP area of the registry is set to 0

Thanks for your help.

Old 12-13-2001, 03:52 AM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Jun 2001
Location: South Alabama
Distribution: Fedora / RedHat / SuSE
Posts: 7,163

Rep: Reputation: 58
are you getting a network login prompt when windows starts, just windows login, or nothing?

you need to get the network login so you can put the name and password.
Old 12-13-2001, 07:11 AM   #3
Registered: Nov 2001
Location: Manchester, UK
Distribution: Mageia
Posts: 814

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Rep: Reputation: 40
On boot up of the 95 machines, I get a dialogue box with the little networking icon, that's called "Enter network password".

Then in the dialogue box says

"Enter your network password for Micro$oft Networking"

With the user name and password to be entered in the two lines underneath.

I presume that's what you mean? (I'm not being facetious!)

btw, if I do a

net use t: \\Linuxbox\share

from a DOS box in Win95, as soon as I hit enter it tells me my password's invalid and I should contact my network administrator. Unfortunately he's numb! ;-)
Old 12-13-2001, 06:08 PM   #4
Registered: Nov 2001
Location: Manchester, UK
Distribution: Mageia
Posts: 814

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Rep: Reputation: 40
In case anyone's vaguely interested, I *finally* sussed it. :-)

I had to set

password level


username level

in smb.conf

Something to do with Win95 converting passwords to upper case.

I still find it bewildering that when I used network neighbourhood, it sometimes asked me for a username and that worked to allow me to see the share names, but actually viewing what was inside the shares rejected that same password!

Now I can get a good night's rest! <g>

Thanks a million to those who tried to help.


Old 12-14-2001, 04:44 PM   #5
LQ Guru
Registered: Jun 2001
Location: South Alabama
Distribution: Fedora / RedHat / SuSE
Posts: 7,163

Rep: Reputation: 58
The unix folder/file permissions versus the samba login permissions will do that.


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