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Old 12-06-2013, 01:19 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2013
Posts: 2

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While try to SFTP(mput *) , it get STALLED


We are facing an issue... when we try to SFTP(mput *) , it get STALLED. I have noticed that we are only facing this issue while MPUT command and only for ".XML" files, the average size of these xml files are between 2 to 20 KB. I am very confused. Please guide me how i can trouble shoot this problem.

We are able to MPUT much bigher files.

I have a folder where i have 9 XML files, 8 out of 10 times when i try to MPUT it, It get STALLED on random file. I can share my screen if some one want to see this.

Source machine = Linux
Destination machine = Windows server 2008 64 bit ( 32 GB RAM)
(freeSSHD is installed on Windows server)

SFTP Server = freeSSHD

There is no anti-virus installed on server.

We are in a live environment and due to this suffering a lot. Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated.

Old 12-06-2013, 06:03 PM   #2
Registered: Jan 2003
Location: Cambridgeshire, UK
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That a wierd one. So start to build up a bigger picture.

Can you put individually?
Can you get and mget the same files from the server?
Can you get and mget the same files from the linux machine if initated at the server?
Can you do a straight FTP put instead? For the purposes of testing of course.

Can you mput the same data to another linux machine?
Can you mput the same data from another linux machine to the server?

This should tell you if the problem isolated to a particular machine, or platform. And weather its some interaction of a specific data type with the encryption. You might then try a different implementation of SFTP to see if that behaves differently.
Old 12-09-2013, 12:29 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2013
Posts: 2

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: Disabled

Can you put individually?
-- YES , And the most interesting thing is that SOME TIMES i am also able to mput the same files. For example I tried to mput the same files 1st time , they got through , I tried it 2nd time they got through when I tried it third time one of these files got STALLED. Some times it STALLED at 1st transfer some times 2nd and some times on 3rd time. My gut feeling says it has some thing to do with networks...

Can you get and mget the same files from the server?
-- YES

Can you get and mget the same files from the linux machine if initated at the server?
-- get/mget is working fine for same file, same machines.

Can you do a straight FTP put instead? For the purposes of testing of course.
-- ftp is not supported in freeSSHD server.

Can you mput the same data to another linux machine?
-- I have tried to put the same data from different client(Linux machine) to different server(windows machine) and got the same error.

Can you mput the same data from another linux machine to the server?
-- I have tried to put the same data from different client(Linux machine) to different server(windows machine) and got the same error.

AND previously we were using different SFTP Server and we are getting the same error there ... we tried a lot to troubleshoot it but could not find a reason so we changed the sftp server to freeSSHD it worked fine for few weeks and not we are experiencing the same STALLING issue in it as well.



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