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Old 04-19-2014, 06:41 PM   #1
Registered: Apr 2014
Posts: 276

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
WEP script fails but seems to accept setup

Using the following script to test accessibility:
# Enter network name and key
# This is a script only for root
# Failed
function usage() {
    echo -e "\n\tUsage: `basename $0` \"<essid>\" <key>" \
            "\n\t       Enter <ascii prefaces>\n"

# Kill
function die() {
    echo -e "\n\t       `basename $0` ERROR: $1 <*>\n"
    exit 1

# Setup
if [[ $1 ]]
then echo -e "\n\t>>>Starting by dropping wlan0"
     ifconfig wlan0 down               # Drop wlan0
     sleep 3
     dhclient -r wlan0 -q              # Drop previous connections
     echo -e "\n\t>>>Dropped previous connection(s)"
     ifconfig wlan0 up                 # Activate wlan0
     echo -e "\n\t>>>wlan0 activated"

     echo -e "\n\tESSID set to $1"
     iwconfig wlan0 essid "$1"         # Set wlan0 to connect to $1

# Assign Key
     if [[ $2 ]]
     then echo -e "\n\tKey set to $2"
          iwconfig wlan0 key s:"$2"    # If exists, set wlan0 use key

# Connect
     echo -e "\n\t>>>Set wlan0 to Managed\n"
     iwconfig wlan0 mode Managed       # Set wlan0 for managed network
     echo -e "\n\t>>>Requesting network IP address\n"
     dhclient wlan0                    # Get IP address
# Success
     if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]
     then echo -e "\n\n\t>>>Connected to $1!"
          exit 0
     else die ">>>Failed to connect to $1"  # Failure
else usage                             # No variables
The code seems to connect thru ">>>Connected to" but the iwconfig argues NO.
bash-4.1# iwconfig wlan0
wlan0 IEEE 802.11g ESSIDff/any Nickname:"poolside"
Mode:Managed Frequency:2.457 GHz Access Point: Not-Associated
Bit Rate:6.5 Mb/s Tx-Power:20 dBm Sensitivity=0/3
RTS thrff Fragment thrff
Encryption key:4861-7170-7943-6172-5069-7A7A-61 Security mode:restricted
Power Managementff
Link Quality:0 Signal level:0 Noise level:0
Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0

Since I know the AP I was trying to connect with is WPA2 and this script seems to be more for WEP, why did it get thru to >>>Connected to" as tho it was accepting the setup?
Thanx for taking the time to address this!!
Old 04-21-2014, 03:49 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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I'd point out that we'd need to know what your network device is. They never bothered to write code for the Broadcom B43 module, as it was no longer regarded as secure and put code there for WPA* instead. I don't know how many other wifi cards that is true of, but I have experience with B43.
Old 04-22-2014, 03:58 AM   #3
Registered: Apr 2014
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It is a USB wireless adapter from EDUP EP-N8508
Old 04-23-2014, 02:26 AM   #4
LQ Guru
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Can you check if the driver does WEP. Open in the package docs. I had a check for the name on the best source but I diidn't find mantion of that model.


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