I have a personal web server and its keep running fine.
There are something wrong today, I can not access my web on the server machine itself. It directs to the gateway router admin login popup, anyone can help to solve this please?
I don't think its the problem in my router, some common ports still forwarding and it didn't change at all.
I can
telnet localhost 80 but NOT
telnet www.mydomain.com 80
If I GET I have such error:
[root@mydomain httpd]# telnet
www.mydomain.com 80
Trying my ip...
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Server: WindWeb/2.0
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html
Web Server Error Report:<HR>
<H1>Server Error: 400 Bad Request</H1>
<P><HR><H2>URL parsing error</H2><P><P><HR><H1>GET</H1><P>Connection closed by foreign host.