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Old 07-27-2007, 10:18 AM   #1
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Registered: Mar 2005
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Unhappy Want to poll data from Windows server to Linux Box for MRTG Graph

Hi all,

I am using some around 50 linux servers with just 1 windows server.

I am using mrtg to monitor my linux servers performance and h/w status.

I want to use mrtg to monitor my windows machine also. so that from single point of monitoring system, I can watch both kinda servers.

I want to use cfgmaker to poll data from my windows sewrver to my linux server, and from there I can generate graphs for mrtg.

My main problem is to generate proper input file for mrtg.

Right now i can generate this only:


MS-TCP-Loopback-interface and BASP-Virtual-Adapter


but I want to retrieve data for CPULOAD, HDD Space, etc.

I am using this command to generate cfg file:


/usr/bin/cfgmaker --global 'WorkDir: /home/servers/prod02/mrtg' --global 'Options[_]: growright, bits' --output=sysmrtg.cfg public@


Please suggest me, if this is possible....

Thainking You in advance.

System Admin,
Old 04-29-2008, 06:46 AM   #2
Registered: Mar 2006
Location: New Delhi, India
Distribution: Fedora, CentOS, RHEL, Ubuntu
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Rep: Reputation: 18
Windows server monitoring using MRTG

Hi Mr. Sinha and LQ members and every one!

Greetings for the day..

I am looking for a solution for the same issue mentioned above.

I am able to monitor all my linux servers without any issues using MRTG tool but after a lot of googling and efforts I am still not able to find a solution to monitor my Win2K3 server using MRTG on a Linux box.

It will be great help if you let me know a solution for the above mentioned issue.

Warm Regards,


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