Hi all,
I know this is something that has probably been beaten to death, but I just cannot get it working.
I have followed this tutorial to the letter:
http://www.linux-corner.net/linux/services/ftp.html (great site by the way) but I am still faced with a serious issue. When I try to log in with the account I have created using the steps at the above site it just says
"Invalid username and password" and will not let me log in.
When I check the log in /var/log/messages it states that pam cannot open the database.
The vsftpd.log states the I tried to log in but login has failed.
I am using RedHat 9 (updated) which has version 4 of the db_load app, and I am using vsftpd-1.2.1 that I compiled from source. I was thinking that using version four could be the problem, but I am concerned about installing version 3 as I do not know what it or installing any of its dependant files will do to my system. Yes I am pretty much of a n00b at this level of Linux.
The service is running and I am connecting to the correct IP address. I did find this exact problem in another thread, but the poster was directed back to the above web page and no solution was posted to the forum.
I thank you for any and all suggestions