Hi, I am having problems getting this to work on Ubuntu. I have installed pptp-linux, pptpconfig and setup the VPN connection with the settings provided to me by the network administrator. I have also setup a proxy configuration in firefox for the connection.
When I start the VPN tunnel everything seems to work, there are no error messages reported. When I try to go to a website the status message changes from 'looking up
www.whatever.com' to 'connecting to
www.whatever.com' but then it just times out. When I use wget to fetch google it prints the IP address of Google so the DNS is working correctly but I'm not receiving anything.
I had a similar problem in Windows setting up this VPN as I have a software firewall which I had to setup to allow traffic to/from the VPN. I figured that this is probably what is wrong on Ubuntu so I added the VPN address to my /etc/hosts.allow and still no dice.
If someone could help me with this I'd be grateful,