VPN in/nix passing connection to another host.
We have a new site that we just setup in Tijuana and as of right now we are having to connect over the vpn client. The problem is that our mail servers are located at a different site from our AS400 server. The work around is what I am looking for. We use CISCO Pix 501 for all the perminate sites. I just sent on to Tijuana so they wouldn't have to use the clients anymore. The problems is I have only configured them to be able to connect to me for testing. I can not change or reboot the other remote sites pix during working weeks/hours. The main site is in the UK where they are all on holiday so I would hate to telnet in and make changes and then the pix drop out and then all the other remotes would be down.
So what I really want to know is if I get the VPN up from Tijuana to me can i have them connect to my nix sever here and have it pass the connection thru our pix to the as400 server? This would be a temp fix so mail and as400 are on the same path.
I know that I just need to configure the pix's but there always being used so scheduling down time is quite hard.
Will this work?