VNC latin1 keyboard + num
I've been using VNC on SuSE 8.X without problems.
I've upgraded one of the machines to SuSE 9.1 and I've got some
problems with the keyboard and numeric keypad.
The problems are for the numbers and punctuation, letters are ok.
I've tried out some solutions but I haven't got the answer now.
When I launch vncserver AND viewer on the SuSE8.2 machine (all local)
there are not keyboard/num pad problems.
When I lauch vncserver on the SuSE8.2 and viewer on SuSE9.1 no problems.
But when I launch the server on SuSE9.1 and viewer on SuSE8.2 the
problem appears.
I tried out with kde, gnome and twm : it's reproductible the same way.
So I think the problem is attached to the machine SuSE9.1 whatever the
Desktop is.
How can I solve this ? Is there a parameter to modify in xstartup file or
in Xresources or else ?
PS: the keyboard is iso-8859-1 (iso latin1) french keyboard
Thanks for any hint