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Old 03-13-2001, 01:16 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2001
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Ok, one more prob I'm having...

I had a machine setup with RH6 and sendmail was tooling right along processing the virtual domain I had setup. I had mailing lists, etc. all doing just fine.

::::-----Enter catastrophic hard drive failure----:::::

Now I've picked up the pieces, and rebuilt the system with RH7 (what better time to upgrade than a total rebuild?) and things are going along fine.

BUT, I just can't seem to get this stupid sendmail setup right. The non-virtual host name processes its mail fine, but I can't figure out why the virtual host doesn't...

Errors are of the "user name not found" variety. I have tried both linuxconf setup of virtual mail and the same way I did it in RH6 - config the virthost stuff and the aliases...still nothing. Either I get the not found error or the mail evaporates into thin air. No errors in sendmail logs or sys logs either. (?!?!)

I know one of you has sendmail processing virtual hosts with no probs on RH7 out'd ya do it?


Clifton Grimm
Old 03-13-2001, 07:17 PM   #2
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Type the following at a command prompt. Is the virtual host you are trying to accept mail for listed? What is in your virtusertable file?

echo $=w | sendmail -bt
Old 03-13-2001, 10:55 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
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I did the $=w...

3 listings come back, the host name, the virtual host, and a weird version of my host name. <-- host name <-- virtual host
crescendo.dsl <-- ??huh?

I also get the following error when I run the $=w...

Warning: .cf file is out of date: sendmail 8.11.0 supports version 9, .cf file is version 8

my virtusertable is as follows: is setup in the aliases file to pipe thru a mailing list prog (Mailman) -

I have since discovered that the sendmail setup is working...because in the virtusertable if I add gets the mail NO problem. The problem must be with my mailing list aliases...let me work on this and get back with you all...thanks for the help!

Clifton :)

[Edited by Crescendo on 03-13-2001 at 11:02 PM]
Old 03-14-2001, 12:16 PM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2001
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Ok, thanks...

You sparked some thoughts, and I checked everything out...

the problem lies in the mailing list software...not in virtual hosting -

so, hooray, but also boo...

At least I know I'm not nuts - I thought it was set up correctly...!

Thanks anyway!

Clifton :)


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