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Old 08-24-2001, 02:09 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2001
Location: San Antonio
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Viewing the Linux box on Windows

I am trying to configure the Linux Network so that I may see it in a specific domain. I have configured the network through KDE. I was able to see the Linux box in my domain, when I configured my smb.conf file so that I could share a folder, I no longer saw the Linux box on my Windows PC. The user is activated on Linux. Anything will help at this point. Thanks.
.................................................................................................... ....
Status: I can ping to the linux server from any Windows PC and get a response. I am able to ping to any Windows PC from the linux server and get a response. I can not see the linux server on my network neighborhood on a Windows PC.
Notes: I am trying to set up the Linux server as an aditional PC on my network.

Last edited by bernstar77; 08-28-2001 at 12:07 PM.
Old 08-24-2001, 03:56 PM   #2
Registered: Jul 2001
Location: Utah
Distribution: RedHat v7.3, OpenBSD 3.3, FreeBSD 5.0
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have you tried to connect to the Linux box from a Windoze client? See if you can connect to the shared resource with a UNC command (\\server\share, from Start > Run).
If you can connect, then it looks like your machine isn't being shown. Try to find the master browser on the network (I don't remember the command, something w/nmblookup -M I think.) I guess it could be that your nmbd daemon isn't running maybe. Or i could be wrong.
At any rate, if you can connect to the share via UNC, then you know everything is set up properly, you're just not advertising to the subnet for some reason (it seems to me)

I've been trying to get good at Samba. If you haven't checked it out yet, an excellent resource is the free "Using Linux" online book available from >USA >books >Using Samba.


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