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Old 02-03-2014, 10:23 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 6

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Using squid to bridge proxies


i've never used squid before, but I work in web development and am behind a company proxy to access the Internet. I'm currently using OSx but want to use Linux. One of the tools we use if phantomJS to test our sites. On OSx, phantomJS uses the system proxy and also adheres to the exception list for local IP addresses; therefore when I run phantomJs against something like, it does not attempt to use the system proxy, but for routable IP addresses, phantomJS does use the system proxy.

On Linux however, there is a bug in that phantomJS will use the system proxy, but will ignore and exceptions, therefore it will try and use the proxy to access any IP address, even on my local network, and timeout for these. I cannot see a way around this, and the bug has been in a bug fix queue for 2 years now.

I was wondering if if would be possible to locally install squid proxy on my machine, and configure squid to forward web requests out to the company proxy for external IP addresses, but pass the request through to any exceptions which I specify (local IPs) .. Then I could set the system proxy for my desktop to its local squid proxy, so phantomJs would pass all traffic through to squid, and squid could take care of where to send requests.

Does anybody know if this is a.) possible, b.) easy, & c.) the best solution?

Thanks everyone.
Old 02-10-2014, 09:28 AM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2013
Posts: 14

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
Have not done it myself, but it should work something like this:

Install squid locally and in the squid.conf you will have:
# Define a ACL for your own pc and some around you?
# Your computer
acl mynetwork src
# Others around you if needed
acl mynetwork src
# Here you define the range that must not go to the company proxy
acl local_content dst
# Define the company/internet proxy as a parent
cache_peer parent 8080 3130
# Tell squid that if gonna access something on not go to the company proxy
cache_peer_access deny mynetwork local_content
# this tells squid that can be accessed directly
never_direct allow local_content


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