I have been at this for 3 days and the drop from the 4th floor is looking inviting..
I have finally managed to get XP clients to recognise that a linux box is on my network but XP wont allow me to see any files. It says no permission to access.
All 3 boxes (2 xp amd 1 RH9) are connected via a ADSL roter and IP addresses are configured automatically. From Linux I can see shares on XP but can't mount them. In XP I can see an icon for the linux box in NN but cant access it at all because of server permissions.
I set up Samba as:
Descrip. : Linux
Authentication Mode : User
Authentiaction Server:
Encrypt passwords:Yes
Guest Account: Nobody
then I created a samba user name and entered my Windows Username and a Samba password
All and any suggestions welcome before this box takes a long drop.