Unable to connect to machine via hostname, DNSs seems ok
Hi people,
I spent a lot of time, trying to resolve what could be a problem I have but without success. So I will try to describe situation I have and I hope someone will see what I cannot see.
So, I have an linux machine in my network. I installed debian on it and it is fine. During installation I was offered to configure net. with dhcp and settings for domain. I got ip address and I can log into machine using ip address. The problem is, the address is dhcp dependent so change daily-I am not responsible for dhcp/dns server. In my /etc/resolv.conf I have name servers as on some win machines, and for them is possible to log to them using either ip address or hostname.
When I do as root on linux machine #host host_ip dns_ip
I got
Using domain server:
Name: host_ip
Address: dns_ip#53
Host reverse_host_ip.in-addr.arpa not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
#hostname -d
I got domain name...
#hostname -s
I got hostname
I read many forums, mailing lists, docs, but still cannot to resolv this issues and log into machine using hostname.
Any suggestion is welcome
Thank you in advance.
Last edited by sarajevo; 05-24-2008 at 04:00 PM.