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Old 11-27-2013, 06:08 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2012
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Umount drive shared over NFS

Hey Folks,

I have an NFS server. I am using it to share an ext4 lvm device over nfs3 to 22 machines. I can't shut down this server as it is also a torque server and is quite active.

I unmounted the drive in question from every client machine, I then removed the entry from /etc/exports, then I restarted nfs and confirmed that the drive was not being shared anymore. I checked with lsof, lsof +D, and fuser to see if any processes were accessing the drive. Everything looked clear. I tried to umount, it won't work, I get the 'device is busy' error.

I tried lazily unmounting it with 'umount -l', that worked... but then 'lvchange -an' failed with a 'filesystem in use error'.

I know from previous experience that simply disconnecting and reconnecting the drives does not work at this point, that just sets the kernel spewing out IO errors that won't go away until reboot.

I am out of options. I need to do an online filesystem expansion, but I can unmount the drive.

Any ideas?

Old 11-27-2013, 06:41 PM   #2
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Yeap. Schedule an outage and reboot it.

I've run into this a bunch and since you restarted NFS and lsof/fuser show nothing, I don't have any more ideas. Also, since you umount -l'd it it 's probably too late.

(this is also a tag in case someone has a better idea)
Old 12-01-2013, 08:17 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2013
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lvchange has a force parameter, that may help you force deactivate it.

But it seems like you just want to expand the FS. Why can't you do that online?


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