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Linux - Networking This forum is for any issue related to networks or networking.
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Old 11-19-2005, 05:19 PM   #1
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: Annapolis, Maryland, USA
Distribution: Ubuntu 11.04, Mint 11.11, Xubuntu 11.11
Posts: 458

Rep: Reputation: 30
UID question

I have RH3 on a server and I have Suse 10 on one computer and RH4 on another. On the Suse computer whenever I tried to access my home folder on the server I got a permission denied error but on the RH4 computer I could access it fine. As the login and password were the same on bot the Suse and the RH4 computer I was a bit confused. I the noticed that the UID on both RH computers was 500 and on the Suse it was 1000. I changed the UID on the Suse to 500 and everything went fine.

My question: If I set up users on the server I am assuming that when I set them up on the workstations that I must make sure that all of the UIDs match? This has never happened to me before, dumb luck I guess. Thanks.

Old 11-19-2005, 05:22 PM   #2
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yes, UID's would need to be consistent across your systems. simple as that really. you can very easily force a certain UID when you add new users via useradd etc... but then if you are having a larger scale deployment, you'd really want a centralised user management system, like NIS or LDAP.


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