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Linux - Networking This forum is for any issue related to networks or networking.
Routing, network cards, OSI, etc. Anything is fair game.


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Old 04-08-2005, 09:34 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: Berlin
Distribution: archlinux
Posts: 21

Rep: Reputation: 15
two machines, one router, no connection

I've got 2 machines, one running Fedora the other Mac OS 9. In general the routing works, I've got netatalk configured, each are talking and have access to the web via an ethernet modem connected to a DSL router (no name).

The problem is after a while, when both are up, I lose connection to the router from both machines. After I reset, I cannot reconnect Linux without rebooting and this is successful only when I pull the cable from the Mac. I've tried simply restarting the network service but the lights remain out. When Linux is back up I can put the cable from the Mac back in and am (still) connected without having to restart. I know, it's unbelievable!

I really have no clue but I'm wondering if the configuration is indeed wrong. The DSL modem uses PPPoE, contains my ISP info and is setup as DHCP server, gateway IP is 10.0.02. On the other hand, the router is setup up to get an IP address automatically. Shouldn't this IP be static as ?

Another related question: whenever I make a change to the network settings (neat) my hosts file is wiped clean and why doesn't the loopback entry appear in the GUI ?
Old 04-09-2005, 02:05 AM   #2
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Well, if both machines are loosing connection to the router then it sounds like a router problem. DHCP is usually pretty pain free as far as setup is concerned.

I would bypass the router and test both machines using direct connection to the modem. If both machines are still exp the same issue then would suspect it to be the modem.

good luck

Old 04-14-2005, 03:26 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: Berlin
Distribution: archlinux
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thanks for your suggestion, but I've already done this. I used the modem for a year on both machines before I got the router, hotpluging the network cables under my desk until my knees were sore! Never and still don't have a problem with the modem.

As I mentioned, it only happens when both machines are connected to the router. I've noticed that when I pull the cable from the mac the port light on the router goes out but when I pull it from linux it stays on, which is why I now think it could be a linux issue.


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