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Old 09-22-2013, 03:19 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2013
Location: Austin, TX
Distribution: dreamlinux
Posts: 4

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
two linux boxes have the same IP with dreamlinux SOHO network

I've recently installed dreamlinux on two machines and connected them to a router which is also connected to a windows box. The router connects to a cable modem which connects to the internet.

With linux installation A, the network was active and the internet came online without any extra configuration.

The second box (B) had a bad onboard nic. I bought a pci nic and have installed it. The lights on the nic and the router indicate connectivity. I can ping box A and the router from this box.

However, Box B does not seem to be able to receive data from the network. I cannot ping it or get web pages. I cannot ping the internet.

While trying to troubleshoot this (I am a newb) I discovered using ifconfig that box A and box B have the same IP assigned. I used ifconfig to change the IP on B, verify the change, and then invoked ifdown and ifup to restart the ethernet device. When I bring it back up the IP change has been reversed and again I have two machines with the same IP.

I have used ifconfig to change the IP on box B and then manually add the IP to the router. I can then ping this machine from the router and box A, but I still cannot get web pages from the internet.

Also, my router cannot ping box A, which seems to have no problem getting webpages. I don't understand this.

My questions are:

1. Why does ifup change the ip to an ip that is assigned to another host? I note that the same thing happens at reboot. I think there might be a script or file in /etc?

Dreamlinux does not have the directory /etc/sys-config

2. Why, when I manually change the configurations of the network to allow connections to host B from other machines on the network ,does it still not see the internet? I cannot ping "connect: Network is not reachable".

3. Am I on the right path to getting box B on the network?

4. Why does box A demonstrate network connectivity, but is not pingable from the router?

Thank you for reading this and any help you might offer.

Old 09-22-2013, 04:27 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2013
Location: Austin, TX
Distribution: dreamlinux
Posts: 4

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Rep: Reputation: Disabled

I should note that the dreamlinux distro is debian based. I'm reviewing the debian networking docs.
Old 09-22-2013, 04:45 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2013
Location: Austin, TX
Distribution: dreamlinux
Posts: 4

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Rep: Reputation: Disabled
question 1 is solved.

I edited /etc/network/interfaces and the assigned IP works.

It does not change after reboot.
I can ping box B from the router and from box A.

I still cannot connect to the WAN from box B.

What is broken?
Old 09-23-2013, 06:20 AM   #4
Registered: Feb 2008
Location: Armidale, NSW, Australia
Distribution: Fedora 8
Posts: 32

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Sounds like you may have an incorrect default gateway address.

What is the output of the route command on Box A and Box B? Do they both show the same default route?

If not, then you need to change the default route. Us a command similar to this: ip route add default via <IP of gateway>

If Box B already has a default route, you might want to use: ip route replace default via <IP of gateway> (I've never used this before, but you don't want to add a second route if there is already a wrong one there).
Old 09-23-2013, 06:44 PM   #5
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2013
Location: Austin, TX
Distribution: dreamlinux
Posts: 4

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Rep: Reputation: Disabled

Thank you cospengle! That was exactly it. I used route add default gw IP and immediately the WAN is connected.

I really appreciate your help. I was adrift at sea.



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