Two gateways?
My computer has 2 network cards.
eth0 is grabbing a public IP from comcast
eth1 is statically set to for my internal network
My computer is not acting as a router. It is merely connected to both the internal network and to the comcast network.
I would like to be able to administer the router in the 192 IP range...and I would like to be able to connect to computers in the 192 range as well.
I guess I don't understand how this works.....what do I put as the gateway for eth1? When I type in, I would like this traffic to through the wireless router that I am connected to. Whenever I give some public address, I would like it ot go through eth0.
config_eth0=( "dhcp" )
#config_eth1=( " netmask" )
#routes_eth1=( "default gw" )