Let me unfold the complete procedure for doing this :
Follow these steps in the very same procedure..
Setting up machine - trust - accounts :
useradd - d /dev/null -s /bin/false <machine-name>$
* After that go to your windows xp box & change the settings from workgroup you were previous in to DOMAIN name of as specified in your smb.conf.
* After this it will ask you for a login & password.. You have to enter you linux box administrator user & pass over there.. After this it will welcome you to the domain.
* Come back to your linux box..
smbpasswd -a -e -m <machine-name>
Prior to this you can useradd your desired users to your box & samba through smbpasswd.
Also add your administrator account to samba users through smbpasswd.
Tip : Disable xp firewall.. in some cases it might generate problems in joining the domain.
Also if possible download & install the latest samba package.