I have setup Redhat 7.1 to be a gateway for my 2 win98 systems. It works great, except for 2 exceptions. There is one mail server that I get mail from that I can connect to, but it won't download any messages - it just hangs when receiving, and then times out. There is also one web site that I cannot hit. I get the background colours, but no text or graphics on the page. It is an SSL site (my banking site), and I can hit other SSL sites, like the Red Hat Network site.
Both of these problems go away, when I hook my modem up to my Win 98 PC, and use the dsl software that my ISP provided (Enternet)
If I can get any insite into this problem, I'd appreciate it.
P.S. We also have DSL in a couple of the schools in the division where I work as a tech, and we use a similar router there (coyote linux), and I have the same problem, although that has not become an issue there yet. So I know that it is not my switch, or cabling or anything like that.
Thanks so much for the help that I'm going to get