I'm trying to restrict users by time of day with PAM on my Debian Woody machine.
So, I added this to /etc/pam.d/login
login account required pam_time.so
and I added the following to /etc/security/login.conf
login ; tty* & !ttyp* ; !root ; !Al0000-2400
From what I undestand, this should disable access to all users except root 24hrs/7days a week. This isn't what I intend on leaving it at, but just a start to see if it's working or not.
Well it isn't working
No user, including root can login. Why would this be? I also tried changing the line in /etc/pam.d/login to:
account requisite pam_time.so
but that didn't make a difference.
Any ideas as to what's going on? PAM seems fairly complex, so I wouldn't be suprised if I'm missing something.