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Linux - Networking This forum is for any issue related to networks or networking.
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Old 03-24-2013, 10:32 PM   #1
Registered: Oct 2012
Location: Tucson, AZ
Distribution: Debian/CentOS
Posts: 124

Rep: Reputation: 5
Trouble with network wiring

Hello all! I have a problem I was hoping you wonderful folks could help me solve. I have a client who would like their 2 story home to be hooked up with wired internet to all rooms of their second floor. They have Comcast service to a Comcast modem. Internet & TV come in from 2 coax connections on the 1st floor. I have set up a Linksys 4500 router to provide both wired and wireless communication to the 1st floor. DHCP is off, all devices are statically addressed.

The house came pre-wired and has a service panel on the 2nd floor, with 2 different patch panels in it. One panel appears to supply one jack in each room on the 2nd floor with yellow Cat5e but hasn't been punched down, the other panel supplies a 2nd jack in each room with blue Cat5e cable which has been punched down. There is also a coax splitter in there to supply each room with a coax connection.

I toned out the connection from a jack in the wall on the 1st floor to the panel on the 2nd floor and then toned that connection to each room. Success, right? Not quite. I put a cable tester on it from the 1st floor jack all the way to the furthest room on the 2nd floor and got a clean 8-pin readout. Same thing at any point between the 1st floor, the patch panel and each room.

When I plug a LAN port on the router into the 1st floor jack, which should lead to the patch panel and then each 2nd floor room, then plug my laptop in on the 2nd floor I have no internet access. Also no internet connection when I plug directly into the patch panel. I am to the point of trying to pull each plate, tone the wires, punch-down each jack and redo the patch panel... but that's not exactly good for the bottom line though.

And help you can give would be much appreciated, even if it's just a point in the right direction. Thanks in advance.

Last edited by RootMason; 03-25-2013 at 02:51 AM.
Old 03-25-2013, 08:54 AM   #2
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but that's not exactly good for the bottom line though.
And what do we get for helping you solve your problem?

You left out a few details in your third paragraph. How did you connect the wiring on the first to the second floor? You also do not specify from which panel you are working from but I would guess the blue is telephone and the yellow is for networking. If your client is using a real POTS line then you could possibly damage the networking equipment if the blue is hot.
Old 03-25-2013, 01:37 PM   #3
Registered: Oct 2012
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I suppose you get a big warm hug and an even bigger "THANKS SO MUCH"!

The house was pre-wired, so I can only tone lines and figure where they originate and where they terminate. The lines should lead from two jacks on the 1st floor to the patch panel on the second floor, then from the patch panel to the different rooms in the home. Again, their internet comes in from a coax cable on the 1st floor and does not originate in the patch panel. I run cable in businesses quite a bit and we usually use white for voice and blue for data. You think that the blue is for voice and the yellow is for data? The yellow has not been punched down into the patch panel on the 2nd floor (again, there are two patch panels, one for blue and one for yellow). They are not using any of the voice lines in the house, shouldn't they be interchangable as they are both connected to Cat5e cable and should be terminated in the same way?
Old 03-25-2013, 02:20 PM   #4
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The cable is interchangeable but not necessarily the termination. Are both jacks RJ45 or could it be a 6 pin...
Old 03-25-2013, 03:21 PM   #5
Registered: Oct 2012
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Originally Posted by michaelk View Post
The cable is interchangeable but not necessarily the termination. Are both jacks RJ45 or could it be a 6 pin...
Thanks for taking the time to help. I believe I found the problem to my own question. The panel enclosure houses a Structured Wiring Pre-Configured patch panel from Levitron. Here's a link to the video that has just about the exact same patch panel I am looking at:

The voice is wired blue and the video/data is wired yellow. The blue has been punched down with all 8-pins (verified by cable tester) which I was trying to use as my data line. I would assume it would work, but clearly it doesn't! The yellow is not punched down in the patch panel, so my idea is to terminate the yellow line in the panel and check the 1st floor jack & 2nd floor jacks to make sure it is wired 568b (as opposed to 568a). I will post back later with my success or failure.

Thanks for your help.


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