Originally Posted by charlemagne-is-my-son
So I've been trying to get PureVPN to work. It works fine in public wifi locations, but not in my apartment.
Could be an issue with your broadband provider and/or router.
Originally Posted by charlemagne-is-my-son
2) My friend who uses Astrill used the ethernet in my place, and it worked.
That's a different VPN service, one which supports a multitude of VPN protocols.
Originally Posted by charlemagne-is-my-son
3) I tried my computer on his wire in the same apartment building, and it did not work.
Does he use the same ISP/broadband provider or does he by any chance use the same make/model router?
Originally Posted by charlemagne-is-my-son
5) I get ERROR 806 when using Windows: says that GRE protocol packets are not getting through
That means you're trying to use PPTP, and if you're behind NAT (which you are, like just about everybody else) that only works if the router has specific PPTP passthrough support.
From their website it seems PureVPN supports other VPN protocols as well, like L2TP and SSTP. You should try SSTP, as it's significantly more NAT-friendly than the other protocols. Also, unlike PPTP, SSTP actually provides some security (PPTP is badly broken and will never be fixed).
Originally Posted by charlemagne-is-my-son
6) ifconfig and IPChicken give me different IP addresses, which maybe means I am going through a transparent proxy
No, it means you're behind NAT. IPChicken shows your public IP address (assigned to your router), while
ifconfig shows the local, private IP addess assigned to your PC.
(Besides, if the proxy could be detected so easily, it wouldn't be very "transparent", would it?)
Originally Posted by charlemagne-is-my-son
Should I post my netstat output, or does that include sensitive info?
No, IP addresses aren't generally considered sensitive information.