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Old 03-05-2002, 07:59 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2001
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Posts: 16

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tracking user,when logs in

I want to track which user has logged in to my logon server(linux).We have 15 client machine (window98) who log into the logon server using username and password.
My aim is to give user a welcome message through winpop when he logs on to the logon server.
I am able to give winpopup message from my logon server to all the user individually through smbclient -M <username>.
Now I am not able to find which script in my linux box validate and allows a user to logon.If I find this i can write a script which can do the above mentioned things.Please help how I can do this.
Old 03-06-2002, 06:07 PM   #2
Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Melbourne, FL.
Distribution: redhat
Posts: 168

Rep: Reputation: 31
I don't know if samba does it but, programs that login users into the system usually update the 'utmp' file.

Also if you are writing a app, there's an API to access the utmp database. Try 'man utmp' for more info.

Applications like 'last' ( the program that tells you when a user last logged into a system ) use the utmp database to get you the information you're querying. There are others.

More simply, if the user is logging into the linux box directly, you can put the welcome script in their '.login' or '.bashrc' files.

You can write a script that monitors the samba logs using 'tail -f'?

It all depends on what you meant by 'logon', I guess.


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