i would like to be able to have my torrent read a stock ftp http mirror.
so say i have
and also a cloud of users that seed. i would like this so that when im linked to a distro iso, if the cloud is running like trash it is also pulling from dedicated http and ftp sources. and also when there are NO seeds in the cloud, that there are seeds on the http.
ive seen posts about a hashing program to make a special set of files for loading on your http mirror that the torrent can read. this is not what i am looking for, i am looking for it to be able to pull from an unadulterated original file.
i would like to not have to have a .torrent file on the server side or a program or demon running other than the default http or ftp demon. im not sure who i need to talk to, i think it needs equal attention from apache/lighttpd devs as it needs from the .torrent devs.
anyways this is my complaint of the day. i know sending nix kids complaints result in amazing solutions.