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Old 06-11-2001, 07:33 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2001
Posts: 3

Rep: Reputation: 0

Hello. I am trying to make a complete checklist of
everything that is needed to telnet or ftp oneself.
While doing that may seem silly, the idea is that
when unsuccessful in telnetting or ftping from a
remote location, the network should probably not be
incriminated if the operation cannot be done on a
LOCAL basis (because something has been forgotten).

I am personally using Mandrake 8.0, and have that
problem. Here are the points I checked :

1. Am I root ? Yes. I learned that for security reasons
root does not allow direct telnet connection. That
seems reasonable, so from now on I shall try to connect
as a regular user, say "bob", defined for that purpose.
All system enquiries will still be made from a "root"
window, of course.

2. Is bob's shell /bin/bash ? Yes. (A restricted shell
would probably not be a good thing here).

3. Is xinetd running (ps -ef | grep inet) ? Yes.

4. Is localhost ( defined in /etc/hosts.allow ?
Yes. Both under localhost name (defined in /etc/hosts)
and dotted notation, just in case.

5. Is /etc/hosts.allow writable only by root ? Yes (some
systems consider it unreliable if writable by anybody

6. Is localhost absent of /etc/hosts.deny ? Yes

7. If anything above has been modified in order to grant
access, stop and restart xinetd.

Is this unsufficient ? Having done all that, I am still
unable to telnet myself, so I guess something is STILL
missing, but I just don't know what. Any idea ? Thanks
in advance )
Old 06-11-2001, 04:23 PM   #2
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I like the systematic approach, very good.

are u sure in.telnetd is running from xinetd?
if it aint commented out, it should show up in netstat -a bound to port 23.
are u running a firewall that denies access to telnet port tcp/23?
Old 06-12-2001, 03:47 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2001
Posts: 3

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Thanks, unPost. I made some more tries yesterday, and it may happen that my computer or myself - perhaps both - got confused between inetd and xinetd. I could at least make some ftp between machines yesterday by :

1. Getting a fresh copy of wu-ftpd from the Net
2. Killing xinetd
3. Starting inetd instead.

I realize that this is not exactly "going in the sense of history" (assuming that history has a sense, though), so I am still interested in any hint from somebody using xinetd, that I do not know much yet.

By the way, that time, I used an ethernet hub and regular
RJ45 cables, instead of a direct link with a crossed cable.
I understand that this should not change things much, but
any hint will be appreciated here too.

Old 06-12-2001, 03:49 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2001
Posts: 3

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 0
Oops ! Thanks, unSPAWN, sorry ! Clickin the "POST message" button obviously created some unwanted shortcut in my poor human memory, and I accidentally typed the wrong verb )


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