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Linux - Networking This forum is for any issue related to networks or networking.
Routing, network cards, OSI, etc. Anything is fair game.


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Old 10-05-2005, 08:04 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2003
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Unhappy telnet / ftp slow to respond


Our network has a linux server(RH8.0) and some 50 nodes all running (RH8.0)(All nodes are of the same config). all the nodes telnet into the server and run their application. under normal circumstances some 20 nodes will be doing this simultaneously. The problem we are facing is that while telnetting from some particular machines, the login prompt comes up after a ~ 45 sec delay. ftp to the server from the same nodes also has the same delay. pinging and other network activites are normal. After the login everything runs at normal speed.What could be the problem. can anyone help me out. I have spent lot of time to fix this. sometimes a reinstall(of the node) will help and sometimes it won't.

thanks in advance
Old 10-05-2005, 09:31 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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ftp and telnet do reverse DNS lookups on the IP address you are telnetting from. Check to see if your DNS is setup correctly in /etc/resolv.conf, or use /etc/hosts to associate IP addresses with names if you don't use a nameserver


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